Teaching Tools

Gradescope: Homework assignment

Once you have created a Gradescope course, next you can create your assignment. This information will provide an overview of the Gradescope dashboard, menu options, staff roles/permissions and guidance for each stage of the workflow for a Homework assignment:


Gradescope enables electronic submission and marking of handwritten responses, typed responses, formulae and diagrams, programming/code and multiple choice. Gradescope can be added to any Blackboard course area. All Gradescope assignments and exams – both for students submitting and markers – are accessed through the Gradescope dashboard, the grades are pushed out to an associated column in the Blackboard Grade Centre.

QR codes make web links in printed course notes accessible

Students often print teaching resources out to paper. Sometimes web links cannot be accessed because the full web address is not shown on the course material, and the link cannot be clicked on as with an electronic resource. One possible solution is to include QR Codes within the resource which can be scanned by students using a mobile device to open the web links.