Factsheet: Inclusive Teaching and Learning
Designing and delivering course units to ensure that all our students have the opportunity to be successful on their programme, no matter what their background and educational needs.
Designing and delivering course units to ensure that all our students have the opportunity to be successful on their programme, no matter what their background and educational needs.
Planning the structure and delivery of your blended course is important. This webpage details some useful steps to help with this process.
This page considers options for reducing marking workload.
A summary of the pros and cons of group work with links to relevant literature.
“Social” Responsibility doesn’t refer to the impact being only social in nature, it incorporates a wide range of activities contributing to the environmental and economic (as well as social) wellbeing of people, areas, nations, etc.
As well as providing opportunities for students to develop graduate skills in the curriculum it is important that we enable students to articulate the skills they are developing as they move through their programme.
At the end of May 2021 the Faculty of Science and Engineering ran it’s second Blended Learning Conference.
Using Jupyter Notebooks to teach computational literacy.
Case Study: Until recently, the School of Materials directed learners to paper-based resources to look at weave structures. This was becoming increasingly unpopular with learners, as the books with this information are expensive to buy and are in high demand in the University library.
Celina Jones from the School of Materials contacted the FSE eLearning team to propose the creation of an online catalogue of weave structures.