Tag: peer assessment

Peer Scholar – Get Started

Peer Scholar is a peer evaluation and scoring tool available via Blackboard. Find out the key information you need to getting started using Peer Scholar.

Peer Scholar – Pilot

Peer Scholar is a new tool which supports peer evaluation. Find out how you can get involved with piloting this tool.

Case Study: Buddycheck

Tom Rodgers has used a number of approaches to managing peer assessment and group work. In this case study, Tom tells us about his experience with Buddycheck and the benefits of the using Buddycheck.

Planning Collaborative Activities

Research shows that meaningfully integrated interactions (student–content, student–student, and student–teacher) increase learning outcomes.

How can you use formative feedback to help your students?

Giving our students feedback can have a profound impact on how they learn and how they feel about their studies. It is arguably one of the most important things we can do to help our students improve their performance in summative assessment (Broadfoot & Black 2004). Yet it is easy to brush past the practical […]

Peer Assessment

An overview of the benefits of using peer assessment in teaching and learning.